Friday, February 19, 2010

TIGER WOODS - Forgive or Forget about it?

Hi People,

Great Christmas Card Tiger sent to me this year. Great guy!

Had to touch base on this subject.


Tiger Woods Apologizes on all three major networks.

WOW!! Who is playing god on this one?

I cannot believe all these people who think that Tiger Woods should apologize to them!!! HUH?!?! SHAME ON YOU if you think that he owes you an apology!! If you think he should apologize to you, then you are playing God..


Do you think that all the SUPER-STAR NFL Players who are married or SUPER-STAR NBA Player (hello Kobe - LOL) who are married or even SUPER-STAR Baseball Players who are married are "Faithful"... Right! Some have been caught and others haven't been caught.

Look! If any man would say that he would had been faithful being Tiger Woods, then you are a LIAR!! A LIAR!! Don't you DARE write on my Blog saying anything different!! If you do, then I will call you out as being a LIAR!

Think about it. Your 35 years old, A F'N BILLIONAIRE, World FAMOUS GOLFER - NO - wait WORLD FAMOUS!! The FIRST Sports figure to EVER make over a BILLION DOLLARS! Now... lets don't forget you are the PRO TOUR! NO OTHER GOLFER could EVER beat Tiger Woods when Tiger is on his game. NONE!! NO ONE!! Hell - He won the US OPEN with ONE LEG - TORN ACL!! HELLO!! I've climbed a mountain with a torn ACL before, but to play at TIGER'S LEVEL - HELLO!! HE IS A STAR!

Ok... We all know that Tiger is the Greatest Golfer EVER to walk the earth and also the GREATEST Sports figure EVER KNOWN to man. Don't care if you don't like the guy, but even if you don't like him you have to admit all of the above are FACTS!!!

The Informers TAKE:

The guy is KNOWN all around the world. He has nothing other than Super Star Friends and can go anywhere he wants at any moment in time.

Every single time he walks into a club or in a hotel or where ever, "he is mobbed" by HOT CHICKS. BTW: He travels on a Private Jet.. Okay... There are MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of HOT CHICKS in the WORLD - ALL OVER THE WORLD!! In Los Angeles alone they are a dime a dozen. Every single time the man steps out for the night chicks swarm. I don't know a man alive who would resist and/or could resist. NONE!! WOULDN'T and COULDN'T HAPPEN!! If you are a male and you are saying that you could resist, then you are a LIAR or you just don't get the magnitude of the world Tiger lived in. Maybe if you are older you could resist a few times, but sorry the odds aren't in your favor.

At least I will be the honest one to say the following: I played baseball in the minors and there were groupies hanging out all the time. I was in my late twenties and early thirties when playing and there were many of nights of chicks for the offering.. I was no Tiger Woods in status or bucks... LOL!!! FAR FAR from it.. So knowing that life in my late 20's & 30's - I can say one thing.. There would be NO WAY I'd resist the temptation that Tiger Woods had.


FORGIVE? Forgive what? He owes me nothing! So why would I need to forgive? He did nothing wrong to anyone other than his family.

What would I tell him? I'd tell him to get a divorce and move on with your life. You can still be a parent with a divorce. Why be married in your 30's and you are Tiger Woods. It doesn't make any sense to be married! All the public is going to do is try to find him cheating again and he will be hounded. Staying in his marriage is a HUGE ERROR in his life and career. HUGE ERROR. The Marriage will never work again and if you think she will ever trust him, then you are kidding yourself. It won't happen. If he just divorced, then he wouldn't be hounded when he golfed or traveled. He can live life as a 30 year old SUPER STAR. Why take that away from yourself? I just don't understand his move to stay in the marriage. WRONG MOVE!

Was it wrong to cheat? Of course it is wrong to cheat, but there is no man on earth in his 30's that would had done it different! NONE!

Was it terrible for his wife and family? Of course it was! BUT BUT - It is NOT OUR BUSINESS!!

NEXT: When he comes back on Tour and for all the Advertisers who Dropped him - SUGGESTION: SCREW THE BASTARDS TIGER!! MAKE THEM PAY TEN FOLD!! I WOULD!! I'd make them pay so F'N MUCH!!! I'd make them BLEED MONEY!!



FORGET ABOUT IT!! That's my take! Forget about it and get off the wagon Tiger!

I'm out!


The Informer

Thursday, February 11, 2010

GLOBAL WARMING - Fact or Fiction?

Hey Everyone,

Thanks for reading my blog. Another subject matter that I feel really needs to be addressed

Is Global Warming fact or fiction?

For an intelligent person it should be very simple to answer this question.


People have to realize that of course when Gore made his studies on Global Warming and then suddenly you have reports of people falsifying their reports. In society we will always have some person trying to cash in on the newest talk of the town.

In this case it was only a COUPLE bad eggs to do this and MANY LOGICAL and CREDIBLE reports that support Global Warming.

Love the Gore jokes about the recent Winter Snow Storm to hit the East Coast of America. The FACTS are simple: Warmer air from the Global Demise was supercharged with moisture and, as long as the temperature remains below 32°F, it resulted in blizzards rather than drenching winter rainstorms. Those are FACTS! The world temp is going up and polar ice caps are receding like Howie Mandel's hair line. These are FACTS people - FACTS! Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and a deadly heat wave in Europe in the summer of 2003 are all from Global Warming. Such extremes are all about the planet’s climate change from Global Warming.

I cannot understand people not believing in FACTS?!? It's like they don't want to think about it or they think that 99% of the Scientist in the world reporting on Global Warming are apart of some Kennedy conspiracy or Watergate story. It's comical to think that people really don't believe in it.

Clean Air and Going Green! President Obama is correct when he stated: The Nation that leads in this AMAZING movement of Going Green will lead the world in economic grandeur. Not exactly his words. Had to use my own twist and turn... hahaha

I purchased a Prius Car. I got rid of my Want-ta-be Hip & Young Sports Car and I got rid of my "I have a big penis SUV" - damn that SUV thang was really bringing in the chicks. LOL. It's called saving the planet for our future and the future of the next generation. In 5-10 years all new Cars will be Hybrid and/or Electric. Oh btw: Never had any issues with my 2007 Prius other than snide looks from people when I'm filling up the tank. They ask me all the time. How many miles per gallon do you get. I reply usually 48 to 53 MPG. Then I see sadness in their eyes when they look at their gas guzzlers and then their bank account. I drive allot and fill up maybe every 3rd week. Not every week.. Big savings in money and with near ZERO emissions I am trying to help out Global Warming. Hey! I live in Los Angeles and I WISH everyone drove a Hybrid, then our breathing Air would be much better on our lungs.

To finish my FACT or FICTION about Global Warming: Don't listen to the radicals saying it's a BS... It isn't! The world will continue to have these MAJOR WEATHER patterns for some time to come because the entire world community needs join the cause and come together to ban emission polluters. This will take longer than expected. Especially in the USA when there is a POLITICAL PARTY who just want to say "NO". They think it will just go away if they ignore it Or the Party of "NO" think that unemployment will get better by just saying "NO" to a jobs bill.. Too Funny!!! hahahahahahahaha! Smart.. hahahahahaha! Too funny..

Here is something that we should all do: Why don't we all just start saying "NO" to paying our bills - wonder how well that will work? LOL! You see the logic in this.. LOL!

BUT - There is hope in us all. Open up your minds and hearts. Not everyone is on the take.

I'm Out



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Health Care Reform

What a sore subject for many people. I truly believe that President Obama is on the right path towards what true America needs.

FACTS: My girl friend Blue Cross Premium was just RAISED by 39%. She hasn't used the policy in over a year too. This is INSANE! Raising cost by 39%. So she has to apply for another insurance plan and here we go... PRE-EXISTING conditions. Are you getting me yet?

We NEED Health Care Reform. It's a MUST! The current bill that is stone-walled in the Senate from the Newly voted in 41st Senator of Massachusetts has killed the Bill..

Guess what?

"I'M HAPPY it did!! The bill has too much pork, yet one has to understand there has to be pork in bills, which this is true government. The Republicans and Democrats do it all the time. Not one over the other.. BOTH parties.

Most IMPORTANT term missing in the BILL: A Public Option!

Yup!! A Public Option. With a Public Option we can regulate the insurance industry. RATES will GO DOWN! If you are a math wiz like myself you would crunch the numbers and find out that RATES will go down.

Why? and How?

Easy! My cousin works in a firm that handles a LARGE majority of the Hospitals Admin Accounts. She told me that the major reason why medical cost in Hospitals go up with Doctors fees are to offset the cost of the uninsured that they treat. They have to recover the cost so they raise their cost to off-set their losses. After they raise their cost measures, then the insurance companies raise our rates.

So guess what people.. WE ARE ALREADY PAYING for the Uninsured. So don't go that road with me.

After we establish that only the ultra poor get a Public Option to use and people who make under a certain amount of money would have special insurance plans available at big discounted rates, then we will see Insurance rates go down.

We need to change and we need Health Care Reform.

The Preexisting condition clause is INSANE and UNFAIR. That has to be eliminated all together!

We need to politicians to act and to STOP just saying NO.

Remember that we can change America for our future and our families futures.

I'm Out