What a party!!
Tea Party Leader Who Held “N-Word” Sign Denies Seeing Racial Slurs At Tea Party Events - photo located above..
Here is proof of my claims that Tea Party members are racist(look at the top photo of Dale Robertson - who claims he is not a racist - huh?)!! Dale Robertson, who claims he is the tea party founder, and was seen holding a sign using the “n” word earlier this year, blames Democrats for doing what tea partiers are accused of and says he’s never seen racial slurs on his side.
“These people could be anybody. I wouldn’t put it past the Democrats to plant somebody there,” Mr. Robertson said. “They’re trying to label the tea party, but I’ve never seen any racial slurs.”
It’s amazing that the purveyors of racism and hate can say these things with a straight face. At the very least, you would hope they could spell their hate properly.
The Tea Party activists are generally targeting Democrats and supporters of President Obama in their rallies. Tea Party activists whom are mainly ALL WHITE spew their uneducated rhetoric that is harsh and, in some cases, threatening. As Palin promotes VIOLENCE to tell everyone don't give up "Just RELOAD".
Palin told them the big-government, big-debt spending spree of the Senate majority leader, Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is over. Little does she know that she isn't in Politics anymore and her voice and moronic views are only supported by the WHITE TRASH of America. The Few The Proud... Well honestly if you are a white man like my self looking at the Tea Party Movement, which it is an embarrassment to be white. The Tea Party Activist are taking our country back into the middle ages. Their racist views and good-old-country ways are the itty bitty minority of True Americans.
Palin is nothing other than a bitter, quitter, loser hack that is laughed at by a LARGE majority of Americans. Don't forget that she is a laughing stock throughout the world.
She tells her supporters to RELOAD... That is a GUN term, which is meant to tell people to RELOAD their "GUNS". Is this women for real? Is she that STUPID? She telling a bunch of RED-NECK WHITE TRASH MORONS to RELOAD. What do you think that these people are doing right now? First off think about it for one second: They have Sarah MORON Palin as their leader and they are proud of that.. LOL!!!. Now that alone tells you how STUPID these ALL WHITE morons are and to tell these sewer dwellers to RELOAD is like telling them to commit a crime. She is so off base with inciting violence. The historic health care vote that ushered in near-universal medical coverage and divided Congress and the nation. The vote was followed by reports of threats and vandalism aimed at some Washington lawmakers, mostly Democrats who supported the new law. Now you have Sarah Palin telling a bunch of Uneducated RED-NECKED WHITE TRASH to RELOAD.. WOW!! She should be locked up by the Federal Authorities for terrorist threats.
In a NUT SHELL & I DO MEAN "NUT" ergo there is your Tea Party people. They are not even worth more of my time to write about.
If you're a Tea Party activist, then you best leave your guns in their cases and stop your nonsense of vandalism and threats to harm true Americans.
Define Tea Party Activist: Uneducated, RED-NECK, ALL WHITE, WHITE TRASH, Hill-Billy MORONS, and on and on and on... I could write for days on this definition, yet it keeps coming back to MORONS & WHITE TRASH..
The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Obama are TRUE Americans who support True America. They support change that will benefit our country. They saved Health Care from Bankrupting America by passing this Historic Health Care Law. This new law will bring health care to all instead of the few and it will save the nation trillions in the next 20 years. Thank you Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Obama for your bravery to stand up for what TRUE AMERICANS want and need. They are the TRUE HEROES and TRUE Americans.
God Bless Nancy Pelosi and President Obama and for all Americans that support change.
Change has come and it will continue :-)!
NEXT: Finance Reform
Dream Big & Dare to Fail
The Informer
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