O'Donnell told CNN's "American Morning" on Wednesday. "I think right now maybe their pride is just hurt a little bit and they're licking their wounds because the so-called experts were discredited this morning.
OKAY PEOPLE... Is this the best the GOP can do? Get some WITCH who owes BACK TAXES and is as about as ready to be a Senator as my dog is ready to be a Cat. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! And if it did... Well - Shame on those people who votes for Christine O'Donnell. Think about voting for Christine O'Donnell or Sarah Palin... OMG!! Is this what America is coming to? If it is, then I will be moving directly to Canada.
Christine O'Donnell speaks out "We the People".. HUH? Who? What Christine O'Donnell really means is we the "WHITE RACIST MORONS".. Been to a Tea Party Rally in Nevada and did not meet one intelligent Tea Party member that had half a brain to give me a good reason why they want to destroy America. The Tea Party thinks they are bringing America back... LOL... Well they are correct. They are trying to bring America back to the Stone Ages. Christine O'Donnell and the Tea Party faithful are full of crap. What do you think happens when we tax less? Go to Oakland California where less dollars are spent on Gov't services such as Police. Less Gov't.. Be careful what you ask for. Go to Oakland and phone the police dept and ask them about filing a fraud report. Guess what? Less Gov't and well careful what you wish for!!!! Well - you have to go ONLINE to file your report with the police in Oakland and they won't get to your report until 180 days or more.. THAT IS 6-months. Be VERY CAREFUL...
VOTE in the GOP again or Tea Party members and you can kiss Social Security away. The Tea Party GOP Tea Party Candidate wants to do away with Social Security. There you go. Tell the Millions of retired people. Hey survive on the streets because the money that you put in all those years of working is going bye bye.. If you vote for that GOP Alaskan MORON - then your DEATH DUMB and STUPID.
A vote for Christine O'Donnell is another MORONIC choice in the world.
Like I said - The Tea Party is doing more HARM than good in the Country. They are mainly WHITE TRASH AND STUPID... Yet - you know the old add-age "STUPID DOES AS STUPID DID" - That is a great campaign slogan for the Tea Party candidates.
TRUTH: Christine O'Donnell is a TRUE WITCH...
I'm out...
Dream Big and Dare to Fail
The Informer
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Reforming Our Immigration System
Before a group of community, business, evangelical, and labor leaders and law enforcement officials at American University in Washington, D.C., President Obama declared that the time had come to put politics aside and fix America’s broken immigration system.
America has defined itself as a nation of immigrants, President Obama said, citing Albert Einstein, Andrew Carnegie, and Sergey Brin of Google as immigrants who helped to make this country great, along with the “countless names and the quiet acts that never made the history books but were no less consequential in building this country.”
But although immigration has made America what it is, the immigration system is fundamentally broken: The 11 million undocumented workers living in the United States are vulnerable to unscrupulous businesses and put American workers at a disadvantage. Billions in tax revenue is lost by under-the-table wages. And the presence of so many undocumented immigrants flies in the face of those who are going through the immigration system legally.
Yet “reform has been held hostage to political posturing and special-interest wrangling—and to the pervasive sentiment in Washington that tackling such a thorny and emotional issue is inherently bad politics.”
When bipartisan attempts to reform the immigration system fall apart—such as an effort several years ago led by Republican John McCain and Democrat Ted Kennedy—states like Arizona take matters into their own hands, often in a divisive, misguided way.
Our task then is to make our national laws actually work—to shape a system that reflects our values as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. And that means being honest about the problem and getting past the false debates that divide the country rather than bring it together.
Government has a threshold responsibility to secure our borders. That’s why I directed my Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano—a former border governor—to improve our enforcement policy without having to wait for a new law.
Today, we have more boots on the ground near the Southwest border than at any time in our history. … We doubled the personnel assigned to Border Enforcement Security Task Forces. We tripled the number of intelligence analysts along the border. For the first time, we’ve begun screening 100 percent of southbound rail shipments. And as a result, we’re seizing more illegal guns, cash, and drugs than in years past. Contrary to some of the reports that you see, crime along the border is down. And statistics collected by Customs and Border Protection reflect a significant reduction in the number of people trying to cross the border illegally.
But securing America’s borders is not a complete solution. Businesses that deliberately hire and exploit undocumented workers must be held accountable, and already the administration is stepping up enforcement efforts against the worst workplace offenders and working to help employers verify their employees’ legal status.
We must also require those here living illegally to admit they broke the law, register, pay taxes, pay a fine, and learn English before they can get in line to earn their citizenship.
Finally, the legal immigration system must be reformed—for example, eliminating the backlog of background checks and allowing people to check the status of their immigration applications through email or text message.
Progress has been made, but as the President noted, making comprehensive reform a reality requires the cooperation of the Republican Party—cooperation we’ve seen in years past.
The President said:
I believe we can put politics aside and finally have an immigration system that’s accountable. I believe we can appeal not to people’s fears but to their hopes, to their highest ideals, because that’s who we are as Americans. It’s been inscribed on our nation’s seal since we declared our independence. “E pluribus unum.” Out of many, one. That is what has drawn the persecuted and impoverished to our shores. That’s what led the innovators and risk-takers from around the world to take a chance here in the land of opportunity. That’s what has led people to endure untold hardships to reach this place called America.
As President Obama noted, “The question now is whether we will have the courage and the political will to pass a bill through Congress—to finally get it done.”
Dream Big & Dare to Fail
The Informer
Sunday, March 28, 2010
True FACTS on Health Care Law

Health Care Act Facts
As promised here are the true facts of our new Health Law.... Enjoy reading :-)
Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans
This Act puts individuals, families and small business owners in control of their health care. It reduces premium costs for millions of working families and small businesses by providing hundreds of billions of dollars in tax relief – the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history. It also reduces what families will have to pay for health care by capping out-of-pocket expenses and requiring preventive care to be fully covered without any out-of-pocket expense. For Americans with insurance coverage who like what they have, they can keep it. Nothing in this act or anywhere in the bill forces anyone to change the insurance they have, period.
Americans without insurance coverage will be able to choose the insurance coverage that works best for them in a new open, competitive insurance market – the same insurance market that every member of Congress will be required to use for their insurance. The insurance Exchange will pool buying power and give Americans new affordable choices of private insurance plans that have to compete for their business based on cost and quality. Small business owners will not only be able to choose insurance coverage through this exchange, but will receive a new tax credit to help offset the cost of covering their employees.
It keeps insurance companies honest by setting clear rules that rein in the worst insurance industry abuses. And it bans insurance companies from denying insurance coverage because of a person’s pre-existing medical conditions while giving consumers new power to appeal insurance company decisions that deny doctor ordered treatments covered by insurance.
This year, American families and small business owners will begin to experience the benefits of this common-sense reform:
New Affordable Choices:
Uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions will finally have the choice of quality, affordable insurance through a new insurance pool;
Small business owners will be eligible for billions in tax credits to help offer insurance coverage to employees;
New plans will have to offer preventive care and immunizations at no cost;
New plans and certain existing plans that offer dependent coverage will have to cover an enrollee’s dependent children until age 26;
A re-insurance program for employers that offer health insurance to their early retirees will save as much as $1,200 for every family enrolled.
More Power for Consumers:
A new website to help consumers compare different insurance coverage options along with state-by-state health care consumer assistance and ombudsman for any of their health insurance questions;
A new independent appeals process for new plans so consumers and patients can appeal insurance company decisions.
Insurance Company Accountability:
Prohibits new plans and existing group health plans from denying coverage for children because of a pre-existing medical condition;
Review of requested insurance premium increases; health insurers with a pattern of excessive rate increases can be blocked from selling through new insurance exchanges;
Remove arbitrary lifetime limits on coverage in all plans, and remove restrictive annual limits on benefits in all new plans and existing group health plans so people know that all of the care they need will be paid for;
Prevent insurance companies from dropping insurance coverage when a person gets sick and needs it most.
These common-sense reforms will be implemented step by step so that families and small business owners have the information they need to make the choices that work best for them.
Health Reform puts American families and small business owners in control of their own health care.
Over the past year the House and the Senate have been working on an effort to provide health insurance reform that lowers costs, guarantees choices, and enhances quality health care for all Americans. Building on that year-long effort, the President's final legislation included the best ideas from both sides of the aisle offered in the course of the debate.
Health reform will make health care more affordable, make health insurers more accountable, expand health coverage to all Americans, and make the health system sustainable, stabilizing family budgets, the Federal budget, and the economy:
It makes insurance more affordable by providing the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history, reducing premium costs for tens of millions of families and small business owners who are priced out of coverage today. This helps 32 million Americans afford health care who do not get it today – and makes coverage more affordable for many more. Under the plan, 95% of Americans will be insured.
It sets up a new competitive health insurance market giving millions of Americans the same choices of insurance that members of Congress will have.
It brings greater accountability to health care by laying out commonsense rules of the road to keep premiums down and prevent insurance industry abuses and denial of care.
It will end discrimination against Americans with pre-existing conditions.
It puts our budget and economy on a more stable path by reducing the deficit by more than $100 billion over the next ten years – and more than $1 trillion over the second decade – by cutting government overspending and reining in waste, fraud and abuse.
Key Provisions in Health Reform:
Health reform built off of the legislation that passed the Senate and improves on it by bridging key differences between the House and the Senate and includes several key Republican provisions.
One key improvement, for example, is eliminating the Nebraska FMAP provision and providing significant additional Federal financing to all States for the expansion of Medicaid. For America’s seniors, the reform completely closes the Medicare prescription drug “donut hole” coverage gap. It strengthens the Senate bill’s provisions that make insurance affordable for individuals and families, including protections for out-of-pocket costs, while also strengthening the provisions to fight fraud, waste, and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid to save taxpayer dollars. The threshold for the excise tax on the most expensive health plans will be raised from $23,000 for a family plan to $27,500 and will start in 2018 for all such plans.
Policies to Improve Affordability and Accountability
Increase Tax Credits for Health Insurance Premiums
Health insurance today often costs too much and covers too little. Lack of affordability leads people to delay care, skip care, rack up large medical bills, or become uninsured. The House and Senate health insurance bills lower premiums through increased competition, oversight, and new accountability standards set by insurance exchanges. The bills also provide tax credits and reduced cost sharing for families with modest income. Health reform improves the affordability of health care by increasing the tax credits for families. Relative to the Senate bill, health reform lowers premiums for families with income below $44,000 and above $66,000. Relative to the House bill, reform makes premiums less expensive for families with income between roughly $55,000 and $88,000.
Over the long-term, the Administration and Congressional leaders believe the reductions in health care cost growth will allow these health tax cuts to continue to expand at the rate of health care cost growth. However, in order to ensure that the bill as a whole achieves substantial deficit reduction in the second decade and beyond, the health reform legislation includes a failsafe fiscal responsibility policy. Beginning in the second decade, if the total cost of the premium tax credits in the bill exceeds 90 percent of the level that CBO projects, individual tax credits will continue to be adjusted upward, but at the rate of general inflation. If in subsequent years the total cost of the tax credits falls back below 90 percent of CBO’s estimate, the growth rate of the tax credits will revert back to the rate of health care costs guaranteed in the first decade. This general approach is similar to other trigger mechanisms in the bill, including in IPAB.
Health reform also improves the cost sharing assistance for individuals and families relative to the Senate bill. Families with income below $55,000 will get extra assistance; the additional funding to insurers will cover between 73 and 94% of their health care costs. It provides the same cost-sharing assistance as the Senate bill for higher-income families and the same assistance as the House bill for families with income from $77,000 to $88,000.
Close the Medicare Prescription Drug “Donut Hole”.
The Medicare drug benefit provides vital help to seniors who take prescription drugs, but under current law, it leaves many beneficiaries without assistance when they need it most. Medicare stops paying for prescriptions after the plan and beneficiary have spent $2,830 on prescription drugs, and only starts paying again after out-of-pocket spending hits $4,550. This “donut hole” leaves seniors paying the full cost of expensive medicines, causing many to skip doses or not fill prescriptions at all – harming their health and raising other types of health costs. The Senate bill provides a 50% discount for certain drugs in the donut hole. The House bill fully phases out the donut hole over 10 years. Both bills raise the dollar amount before the donut hole begins by $500 in 2010.
Relative to the Senate bill, health reform fills the “donut hole” entirely. It begins by replacing the $500 increase in the initial coverage limit with a $250 rebate to Medicare beneficiaries who hit the donut hole in 2010. It also closes the donut hole completely by phasing down the coinsurance so it is the standard 25% by 2020 throughout the coverage gap.
Invest in Community Health Centers.
Community health centers play a critical role in providing quality care in underserved areas. About 1,250 centers provide care to 20 million people, with an emphasis on preventive and primary care. The Senate bill increases funding to these centers for services by $7 billion and for construction by $1.5 billion over 5 years. The House bill provides $12 billion over the same 5 years. Bridging the difference, health reform invests $11 billion in these centers.
Extend Consumer Protections against Health Insurer Practices.
The Senate bill includes a “grandfather” policy that allows people who like their current coverage, to keep it. The health reform legislation adds certain important consumer protections to these “grandfathered” plans. Within months of legislation being enacted, it prohibits rescissions, bans lifetime limits on benefit payments, and requires new plans and certain grandfathered plans to cover child dependents up to age 26. The reform legislation also adds new protections on group health plans that restrict annual limits and ban pre-existing condition exclusions for children. When the exchanges begin in 2014, these plans – along with all new plans – will not be able to impose any annual benefit limits or deny anyone coverage because of a pre-existing condition.
Improve Individual Responsibility.
All Americans should have affordable health insurance coverage. This helps everyone, both insured and uninsured, by reducing cost shifting, where people with insurance end up covering the inevitable health care costs of the uninsured, and making possible robust health insurance reforms that will curb insurance company abuses and increase the security and stability of health insurance for all Americans. The House and Senate bills require individuals who have affordable options but who choose to remain uninsured to make a payment to offset the cost of care they will inevitably need. The House bill’s payment is a percentage of income. The Senate sets the payment as a flat dollar amount or percentage of income, whichever is higher (although not higher than the lowest premium in the area). Both the House and Senate bill provide a low-income exemption, for those individuals with incomes below the tax filing threshold (House) or below the poverty threshold (Senate).The Senate also includes a “hardship” exemption for people who cannot afford insurance, included in health reform. It protects those who would face premiums of more than 8 percent of their income from having to pay any assessment and they can purchase a low-cost catastrophic plan in the exchange if they choose.
The health reform adopts the Senate approach but lowers the flat dollar assessments, and raises the percent of income assessment that individuals pay if they choose not to become insured. Specifically, it lowers the flat dollar amounts from $495 to $325 in 2015 and $750 to $695 in 2016. Subsequent years are indexed to $695 rather than $750, so the flat dollar amounts in later years are lower than the Senate bill as well. Health reform raises the percent of income that is an alternative payment amount from 0.5 to 1.0% in 2014, 1.0 to 2.0% in 2015, and 2.0 to 2.5% for 2016 and subsequent years – the same percent of income as in the House bill, which makes the assessment more progressive. For ease of administration, health reform changes the payment exemption from the Senate policy (individuals with income below the poverty threshold) to individuals with income below the tax filing threshold (the House policy). In other words, a married couple filing jointly with income below $18,700 will not have to pay the assessment. Health reform also adopts the Senate’s “hardship” exemption.
Strengthen Employer Responsibility.
Businesses are strained by the current health insurance system. Health costs eat into their ability to hire workers, invest in and expand their businesses, and compete locally and globally. Like individuals, larger employers should share in the responsibility for finding the solution. Under the Senate bill, there is no mandate for employers to provide health insurance. But as a matter of fairness, the Senate bill requires large employers (i.e., those with more than 50 workers) to make payments only if taxpayers are supporting health insurance coverage for their workers. The assessment on the employer is $3,000 per full-time worker obtaining tax credits in the exchange if that employer’s coverage is unaffordable, or $750 per full-time worker if the employer has a worker obtaining tax credits in the exchange but doesn’t offer coverage in the first place. The House bill requires a payroll tax for insurers that do not offer health insurance that meets minimum standards. The tax is 8% generally and phases in for employers with annual payrolls from $500,000 to $750,000; according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the assessment for a firm with average wages of $40,000 would be $3,200 per worker.
Health reform is consistent with the Senate bill in that it does not impose a mandate on employers to offer or provide health insurance, but does require them to help defray the cost if taxpayers are footing the bill for their workers. Health reform improves the transition to the employer responsibility policy for employers with 50 or more workers by subtracting out the first 30 full-time workers from the payment calculation (e.g., a firm with 51 workers that does not offer coverage will pay an amount equal to 51 minus 30, or 21 times the applicable per employee payment amount). It changes the applicable payment amount for firms with more than 50 employees that do not offer coverage to $2,000 – an amount that is one-third less than the average House assessment for a typical firm and less than half of the average employer contribution to health insurance in 2009. It applies the same firm-size threshold across the board to all industries. It fully eliminates the assessment for workers in a waiting period, while maintaining the 90-day limit on the length of any waiting period beginning in 2014.
Under the final health reform legislation, small businesses will receive $40 billion in tax credits to support coverage for their workers beginning this year.
Policies to Crack Down on Waste, Fraud and Abuse
The House and Senate health reform bills contained an unprecedented array of aggressive new authorities to fight waste, fraud and abuse. The final health reform legislation built on those provisions by incorporating a number of additional proposals that are either part of the Administration’s FY 2011 Budget Proposal or were included in Republican plans.
Community Mental Health Centers.
Health reform ensures that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health services in the community setting, but strengthens standards for facilities that seek reimbursement as community mental health centers by ensuring these facilities are providing appropriate care and not taking advantage of Medicare patients or the taxpayers. (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill))
Additional Funding to Fight fraud, Waste and Abuse.
Health reform increases funding for the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Fund by $250 million over the next decade.
Medicare Prepayment Medical Review Limitations.
Health reform streamlines procedures to conduct Medicare prepayment reviews to facilitate additional reviews designed to reduce fraud and abuse.
Provides for a 90-day Period of Enhanced Oversight for Initial Claims of DME Suppliers.
Health reform requires a 90-day period to withhold payment and conduct enhanced oversight in cases where the HHS Secretary identifies a significant risk of fraud among DME suppliers.
Policies to Contain Cost and Ensure Fiscal Sustainability
Improve Medicare Advantage Payments.
Medicare currently overpays private plans by 14 percent on average to provide the same benefits as the traditional program – and much more in some areas of the country. The Medicare Advantage program has also done little to reward quality. Moreover, plans have gamed the payment system in ways drive up the public cost of the program. All of this is why Medicare Advantage has become a very profitable line of business for some of the nation’s largest health insurers. The Senate bill created a bidding model for payment rates and phased in changes to limit potential disruptions for beneficiaries. The House bill phased payments down based on local fee-for-service costs.
The final health reform legislation represents a compromise between the House and Senate bills, blending elements of both bills, while providing greater certainty of cost savings by linking to current fee-for-service costs. Specifically, the legislation creates a set of benchmark payments at different percentages of the current average fee-for-service costs in an area. It phases these benchmarks in gradually in order to avoid disruption to beneficiaries, taking into account the relative payments to fee-for-service costs in an area. It provides bonuses for quality and enrollee satisfaction. It adjusts rebates of savings between the benchmark payment and actual plan bid to take into account the transition as well as a plan’s quality rating: plans with low quality scores receive lower rebates (i.e., can keep less of any savings they generate). The legislation requires a payment adjustment for unjustified coding patterns in Medicare Advantage plans that have raised payments under risk adjustment more rapidly than the evidence of their enrollees’ health status and costs suggests is warranted, based on actuarial analysis.
Health reform also includes a new policy that will require Medicare Advantage plans to spend at least 85% of revenue on medical costs or activities that improve the quality of care rather than excessive executive compensation and other unjustified overhead costs. Lastly, it eliminates the comparative cost adjustment program that has not yet been implemented and would cost $100 million.
Delay and Reform the High-Cost Plan Excise Tax.
Part of the reason for high and rising insurance costs is that insurers have little incentive to lower their premiums. That is why health reform includes a tax on health insurers offering the highest-premium health care plans. CBO has estimated that this policy will reduce premiums as well as contribute to long-run deficit reduction. The health care legislation changes the effective date of the Senate policy from 2013 to 2018 to provide additional transition time for high-cost plans to become more efficient. It also raises the amount of premiums that are exempt from the assessment from $8,500 for singles to $10,200 and from $23,000 for families to $27,500 and indexes these amounts at general inflation plus 1 percent for 2019, and general inflation thereafter. To the degree that health costs rise unexpectedly quickly between now and 2018, the initial threshold would be adjusted upwards automatically. To ensure that the tax targets the plans with the most generous benefits rather than simply plans with high costs, the legislation includes an adjustment for firms whose health costs are higher due to the age or gender of their workers, no longer counts dental and vision benefits as potentially taxable benefits, and includes a permanent adjustment in favor of high-risk occupations such as “first responders.”
Broaden the Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) Tax Base for High-Income Taxpayers.
Under current law, people who earn a salary pay the Medicare HI tax on their earned income, but those who have substantial unearned income do not, raising issues of fairness. The final legislation adopts the Senate bill approach and adds a 3.8 percent assessment (equal to the combined employer and employee share of the existing HI tax) on income from interest, dividends, annuities, royalties and rents, other than such income which is derived in the ordinary course of a trade or business which is not a passive activity (e.g., income from active participation in S corporations) on taxpayers with respect to income above $200,000 for singles and $250,000 for married couples filing jointly. The additional revenues from the tax on earned income would be credited to the HI trust fund and the revenues from the tax on unearned income would be credited to the Supplemental Medical Insurance (SMI) trust fund.
Increase in Fees on Brand Name Pharmaceuticals.
As more Americans gain health insurance, more will be able to pay for prescription drugs. Moreover, health reform closes the Medicare “donut hole,” ensuring that seniors do not skip or cut back on needed prescriptions. Both policies will result in new revenue for the pharmaceutical industry. The legislation raises $27 billion from an assessment on this industry. It also delays the implementation of the assessment by one year, until 2011, and makes changes to facilitate administration by the IRS.
Close Tax Loopholes.
The final health care legislation includes two provisions originally in the House bill to close tax loopholes: (1) Current law provides a tax credit for the production of cellulosic biofuels. The credit was designed to promote the production and use of renewable fuels. Certain liquid by products derived from processing paper or pulp (known as “black liquor” when derived from the kraft process) were not intended to be covered by this credit. The final legislation adopts the House bill’s policy to clarify that they are not eligible for the tax credit. (2) Health reform helps prevent unjustified tax shelters by clarifying the circumstances under which transactions have “economic substance” (as opposed to being undertaken solely to obtain tax benefits) and raises the penalties for transactions that lack economic substance.
Other Policy Improvements
Improve the Fairness of Federal Funding for States.
States have been partners with the Federal government in creating a health care safety net for low-income and vulnerable populations. They administer and share in the cost of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The Senate bill created a nationwide Medicaid eligibility floor as a foundation for exchanges at $29,000 for a family of 4 (133% of poverty) – and provides financial support that varies by State to do so.
Relative to the Senate bill, the final health reform legislation replaces the variable State support in the Senate bill with uniform 100% Federal support for all States for newly eligible individuals from 2014 through 2016, 95% support for 2017, 94% support for 2018, 93% for 2019, and 90% for 2020 and subsequent years. This approach resembles that in the House bill, which provided full support for all States for the first two years, and then 91% support thereafter. The health reform legislation also recognizes the early investment that some States have made in helping the uninsured by expanding Medicaid to adults with income below 100% of poverty by increasing those States’ matching rate for the cost of childless adults. It phases up the Federal matching payments so it is equal to that for the cost of newly eligible people by 2019 Health reform also provides additional assistance to the Territories by providing them with an additional $2 billion and the option to establish an Exchange.
Primary Care Payments Under Medicaid.
Health reform provides full Federal support to States to increase payments for Medicaid primary care services to Medicare rates in 2013 and 2014.
Adjusts Hospital and Other Payments:
Health reform lowers the reduction in Federal Medicare and Medicaid DSH payments by $4 billion over 10 years. It changes the market basket productivity changes to that there is more time for facilities to adjust to them. It changes the effective date for changes to physician-owned hospitals. It adopts the House policies on 340B drug price access and Medicaid reformulations. And, it increases the savings from imaging.
Simplify Income Definitions.
Health reform seeks to simplify eligibility rules for various existing programs as well as for the new tax credits. Consistent with some of the policies in the House Proposal, the final legislation will conform income definitions to make the system simpler for beneficiaries to navigate and States and the Federal government to administer by: changing the definition of income used for assistance from modified gross income to modified adjusted gross income, which is easier to implement; creating a 5% income disregard for certain Medicaid eligibility determinations to ease the transition from States’ current use of income disregards; streamlining the income reconciliation process for determining tax credits and reduced cost sharing; and clarifying the tax treatment of employer contributions for adult dependent coverage.
Delay and Reform of Fees on Health Insurance Providers.
Like the drug industry, the health insurance industry stands to gain as more Americans get coverage. The health reform legislation enacts an assessment on the industry beginning in 2014 to coincide with broader coverage provisions which will substantially expand the market for health insurance providers. It provides limited exemptions for plans that serve critical purposes for the community, including non-profits that receive more than 80 percent of their income from government programs targeting low-income or elderly populations, or those with disabilities, as well as for voluntary employees’ beneficiary associations (VEBAs) that are not established by employers. The provision is estimated to raise $60 billion over 10 years.
Delay and Convert Fee on Medical Device Manufacturers to Excise Tax.
The medical device industry also stands to gain from expanding health insurance coverage. Health reform includes an excise tax on certain medical devices that starts in 2013 to facilitate administration by the IRS and raises $20 billion over 10 years.
Protect the Social Security Trust Funds.
Health reform provides that, if necessary, funds will be transferred to the Social Security Trust Funds to ensure that they are held harmless by the legislation.
Ensure Effective Implementation.
The policy changes in health insurance reform will require careful, effective, deliberate, and transparent implementation. The health reform legislation appropriates $1 billion for the Administration to implement health insurance reform policies. It also delays several of the policies to ensure effective implementation and improve transitions: the therapeutic discovery credit, elimination of the deduction for expenses allocable to the Medicare Part D subsidy, the pharmaceutical and medical device industry fees, the health insurance industry fee and the Community First Choice Act.
Title II. The Role of Public Programs
The Act extends Medicaid while treating all States equally. It preserves CHIP, the successful children’s insurance plan, and simplifies enrollment for individuals and families.
It enhances community-based care for Americans with disabilities and provides States with opportunities to expand home care services to people with long-term care needs.
The Act gives flexibility to States to adopt innovative strategies to improve care and the coordination of services for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. And it saves taxpayer money by reducing prescription drug costs and payments to subsidize care for uninsured Americans, as more Americans gain insurance under reform.
Title III. Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Health Care
Title III. Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Health Care
The Act will protect and preserve Medicare as a commitment to America’s seniors. It will save thousands of dollars in drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries by closing the coverage gap called the “donut hole.” Doctors, nurses and hospitals will be incentivized to improve care and reduce unnecessary errors that harm patients. And beneficiaries in rural America will benefit as the Act enhances access to health care services in underserved areas.
The Act takes important steps to make sure that we can keep the commitment of Medicare for the next generation of seniors by ending massive overpayments to insurance companies that cost American taxpayers tens of billions of dollars per year. As the numbers of Americans without insurance falls, the Act saves taxpayer dollars by keeping people healthier before they join the program and reducing Medicare’s need to pay to hospitals to care for the uninsured. And to make sure that the quality of care for seniors drives all of our decisions, a group of doctors and health care experts, not Members of Congress, will be tasked with coming up with their best ideas to improve quality and reduce costs for Medicare beneficiaries.
Medicare is a sacred trust with America’s seniors, and this Act preserves it.
Title IV. Prevention of Chronic Disease and Improving Public Health
If we want to truly reform health care to benefit American families, we need to transition from a system focused primarily on treating the sick to one that helps keep people well throughout their lives.
The Act will promote prevention, wellness, and the public health and provides an unprecedented funding commitment to these areas. It directs the creation of a national prevention and health promotion strategy that incorporates the most effective and achievable methods to improve the health status of Americans and reduce the incidence of preventable illness and disability in the United States.
The Act relies on the innovation of small businesses and state and local governments to find the best ways to improve wellness in the workplace and in our communities. And it strengthens America’s capacity to respond to public health emergencies.
The Act empowers families by giving them tools to find the best science-based nutrition information, and it makes prevention and screenings a priority by waiving co-payments for America’s seniors on Medicare.
By attacking disease before it hits, the Act helps to improve health, save lives, and avoid more costly complications down the road
Title V. Health Care Workforce
Because doctors, nurses, and other health care providers are the backbone of the health care system, the Act supports and expands our Nation’s health care workforce.
By funding scholarships and loan repayment programs, the number of primary care physicians, nurses, physician assistants, mental health providers, and dentists will increase in the areas of the country that need them most. With a comprehensive approach focusing on retention and enhanced educational opportunities, the Act combats the critical nursing shortage. And through new incentives and recruitment, the Act increases the supply of public health professionals so that the United States is prepared for health emergencies.
The Act provides state and local governments flexibility and resources to develop health workforce recruitment strategies. And it helps to expand critical and timely access to care by funding the expansion, construction, and operation of community health centers throughout the United States.
Title VI. Transparency and Program Integrity
The Act helps patients take more control of their health care decisions by providing more information to help them make decisions that work for them. And it strengthens the doctor and patient relationship by providing doctors access to cutting edge medical research to help them and their patients make the decisions that work best for them.
It brings greater transparency to nursing homes to help families find the right place for their loved ones and enhances training for nursing home staff so that the quality of care continuously improves. The Act promotes nursing home safety by encouraging self corrections of errors, requiring background checks for employees who provide direct care and by encouraging innovative programs that prevent and eliminate elder abuse.
Finally, the Act reins in waste, fraud and abuse by imposing tough new disclosure requirements to identify high-risk providers who have defrauded the American taxpayer. It gives states new authority to crack down on providers who have been penalized in one state from setting up in another. And it gives states flexibility to propose tort reforms that address several criteria, including reducing health care errors, enhancing patient safety, encouraging efficient resolution of disputes, and improving access to liability insurance.
Title VIII. Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act (CLASS Act)
Establishing a Voluntary, Self-Funding Long-Term Insurance Choice for American Families
The Act provides Americans with a new option to finance long-term services and care in the event of a disability.
It is a self-funded and voluntary long-term care insurance choice. Workers will pay in premiums in order to receive a daily cash benefit if they develop a disability. Need will be based on difficulty in performing basic activities such as bathing or dressing. The benefit is flexible: it could be used for a range of community support services, from respite care to home care.
No taxpayer funds will be used to pay benefits under this provision. The program will actually reduce Medicaid spending, as people are able to continue working and living in their homes and not enter nursing homes. Safeguards will be put in place to ensure its premiums are enough to cover its costs.
Title IX. Revenue Provisions
The Act makes health care more affordable for families and small business owners by providing the largest middle class tax cuts for health care in American history. Tens of millions of families will benefit from new tax credits which will help them reduce their premium costs and purchase insurance. Families making less than $250,000 will see their taxes cut by hundreds of billions of dollars.
When enacted, health reform is completely paid for and will reduce the deficit by more than one hundred billion dollars in the next ten years.
Title X. Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act
Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act:
The Act reauthorizes the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (ICHIA) which provides health care services to American Indians and Alaskan Natives. It will modernize the Indian health care system and improve health care for 1.9 million American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Dream Big & Dare to Fail
The Informer
Sarah Palin Tea Party Nevada Party

What a party!!
Tea Party Leader Who Held “N-Word” Sign Denies Seeing Racial Slurs At Tea Party Events - photo located above..
Here is proof of my claims that Tea Party members are racist(look at the top photo of Dale Robertson - who claims he is not a racist - huh?)!! Dale Robertson, who claims he is the tea party founder, and was seen holding a sign using the “n” word earlier this year, blames Democrats for doing what tea partiers are accused of and says he’s never seen racial slurs on his side.
“These people could be anybody. I wouldn’t put it past the Democrats to plant somebody there,” Mr. Robertson said. “They’re trying to label the tea party, but I’ve never seen any racial slurs.”
It’s amazing that the purveyors of racism and hate can say these things with a straight face. At the very least, you would hope they could spell their hate properly.
The Tea Party activists are generally targeting Democrats and supporters of President Obama in their rallies. Tea Party activists whom are mainly ALL WHITE spew their uneducated rhetoric that is harsh and, in some cases, threatening. As Palin promotes VIOLENCE to tell everyone don't give up "Just RELOAD".
Palin told them the big-government, big-debt spending spree of the Senate majority leader, Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is over. Little does she know that she isn't in Politics anymore and her voice and moronic views are only supported by the WHITE TRASH of America. The Few The Proud... Well honestly if you are a white man like my self looking at the Tea Party Movement, which it is an embarrassment to be white. The Tea Party Activist are taking our country back into the middle ages. Their racist views and good-old-country ways are the itty bitty minority of True Americans.
Palin is nothing other than a bitter, quitter, loser hack that is laughed at by a LARGE majority of Americans. Don't forget that she is a laughing stock throughout the world.
She tells her supporters to RELOAD... That is a GUN term, which is meant to tell people to RELOAD their "GUNS". Is this women for real? Is she that STUPID? She telling a bunch of RED-NECK WHITE TRASH MORONS to RELOAD. What do you think that these people are doing right now? First off think about it for one second: They have Sarah MORON Palin as their leader and they are proud of that.. LOL!!!. Now that alone tells you how STUPID these ALL WHITE morons are and to tell these sewer dwellers to RELOAD is like telling them to commit a crime. She is so off base with inciting violence. The historic health care vote that ushered in near-universal medical coverage and divided Congress and the nation. The vote was followed by reports of threats and vandalism aimed at some Washington lawmakers, mostly Democrats who supported the new law. Now you have Sarah Palin telling a bunch of Uneducated RED-NECKED WHITE TRASH to RELOAD.. WOW!! She should be locked up by the Federal Authorities for terrorist threats.
In a NUT SHELL & I DO MEAN "NUT" ergo there is your Tea Party people. They are not even worth more of my time to write about.
If you're a Tea Party activist, then you best leave your guns in their cases and stop your nonsense of vandalism and threats to harm true Americans.
Define Tea Party Activist: Uneducated, RED-NECK, ALL WHITE, WHITE TRASH, Hill-Billy MORONS, and on and on and on... I could write for days on this definition, yet it keeps coming back to MORONS & WHITE TRASH..
The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Obama are TRUE Americans who support True America. They support change that will benefit our country. They saved Health Care from Bankrupting America by passing this Historic Health Care Law. This new law will bring health care to all instead of the few and it will save the nation trillions in the next 20 years. Thank you Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Obama for your bravery to stand up for what TRUE AMERICANS want and need. They are the TRUE HEROES and TRUE Americans.
God Bless Nancy Pelosi and President Obama and for all Americans that support change.
Change has come and it will continue :-)!
NEXT: Finance Reform
Dream Big & Dare to Fail
The Informer
Monday, March 22, 2010
True Patriots on Health Care Reform

Thank you Mr. President and members of Congress for getting it right..
For the first time in our nation's history, Congress has passed comprehensive health care reform. America waited a hundred years and fought for decades to reach this moment.
We are finally here.... See More
There are so many misinformed individuals and uneducated individuals that are commenting about this subject. My family lives in Canada. THEY ARE FREE and they ARE NOT SOCIALIST nor are they MARXIST. Stop with ignorant talk about socialism, which it makes whomever spewing such nonsense very obtuse.
Amazing. After decades of attempts, this is a historic achievement. The bill is far from perfect. But your work and that of progressives throughout this fight made it much stronger—even bringing it back from the dead when many Democrats were ready to give up in January. I'm incredibly proud of our President and stand by his right for all instead of a few.
Every American will be covered under the toughest patient protections in history. Arbitrary premium hikes, insurance cancellations, and discrimination against pre-existing conditions will now be gone forever.
And we'll finally start reducing the cost of care -- creating millions of jobs, preventing families and businesses from plunging into bankruptcy, and removing over a trillion dollars of debt from the backs of our children.
It is the workers and entrepreneurs who are now freed to pursue their slice of the American dream without fear of losing coverage or facing a crippling bill.
And it is the immeasurable joy of families in every part of this great nation, living happier, healthier lives together because they can finally receive the vital care they need.
We have shared moments of tremendous hope, and we've faced setbacks and doubt. We have all been forced to ask if our politics had simply become too polarized and too short-sighted to meet the pressing challenges of our time. This struggle became a test of whether the American people could still rally together when the cause was right -- and actually create the change we believe in.
The answer is indisputable: Yes we can!
NEXT "Finance Reform"!
Dream Big and Dare to Fail...
The Informer
Sunday, March 7, 2010
82nd Academy Award Predictions!

The Informers 2010 Oscar Predictions!
Music (Original Score): Avatar, James Horner
Animated Feature Film: Up, Pete Docter... See More
Costume Design: Nine, Colleen Atwood
Writing (Original Screenplay): Inglourious Basterds, Written by Quentin Tarantino
Actress in a Leading Role: Gabourey Sidibe, Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire
Visual Effects: Avatar, Joe Letteri, Stephen Rosenbaum, Richard Baneham and Andrew R. Jones
Film Editing: Avatar, Stephen Rivkin, John Refoua and James Cameron
Cinematography: Avatar, Mauro Fiore
Sound Mixing: Avatar, Christopher Boyes, Gary Summers, Andy Nelson and Tony Johnson
Art Direction: Avatar, Art Direction: Rick Carter and Robert Stromberg; Set Decoration: Kim Sinclair
Best Picture: Avatar, James Cameron and Jon Landau, Producers
Short Film (Animated): A Matter of Loaf and Death, Nick Park
Actor in a Leading Role: Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart
Sound Editing: The Hurt Locker, Paul N.J. Ottosson
Documentary (Feature): Food, Inc., Robert Kenner and Elise Pearlstein
Music (Original Song): The Weary Kind (Theme from Crazy Heart), from “Crazy Heart” Music and Lyric by Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett
Makeup: Star Trek, Barney Burman, Mindy Hall and Joel Harlow
Actor in a Supporting Role: Christoph Waltz, Inglourious Basterds
Actress in a Supporting Role: Mo’Nique, Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire
Short Film (Live Action): The Door, Juanita Wilson and James Flynn
Foreign Language Film: The White Ribbon, Germany
Writing (Adapted Screenplay): Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire, Screenplay by Geoffrey Fletcher
Documentary (Short Subject): Rabbit à la Berlin, Bartek Konopka and Anna Wydra
Directing: The Hurt Locker, Kathryn Bigelow
Dream Big & Dare to Fail
The Informer
Friday, February 19, 2010
TIGER WOODS - Forgive or Forget about it?

Hi People,
Great Christmas Card Tiger sent to me this year. Great guy!
Had to touch base on this subject.
Tiger Woods Apologizes on all three major networks.
WOW!! Who is playing god on this one?
I cannot believe all these people who think that Tiger Woods should apologize to them!!! HUH?!?! SHAME ON YOU if you think that he owes you an apology!! If you think he should apologize to you, then you are playing God..
Do you think that all the SUPER-STAR NFL Players who are married or SUPER-STAR NBA Player (hello Kobe - LOL) who are married or even SUPER-STAR Baseball Players who are married are "Faithful"... Right! Some have been caught and others haven't been caught.
Look! If any man would say that he would had been faithful being Tiger Woods, then you are a LIAR!! A LIAR!! Don't you DARE write on my Blog saying anything different!! If you do, then I will call you out as being a LIAR!
Think about it. Your 35 years old, A F'N BILLIONAIRE, World FAMOUS GOLFER - NO - wait WORLD FAMOUS!! The FIRST Sports figure to EVER make over a BILLION DOLLARS! Now... lets don't forget you are the PRO TOUR! NO OTHER GOLFER could EVER beat Tiger Woods when Tiger is on his game. NONE!! NO ONE!! Hell - He won the US OPEN with ONE LEG - TORN ACL!! HELLO!! I've climbed a mountain with a torn ACL before, but to play at TIGER'S LEVEL - HELLO!! HE IS A STAR!
Ok... We all know that Tiger is the Greatest Golfer EVER to walk the earth and also the GREATEST Sports figure EVER KNOWN to man. Don't care if you don't like the guy, but even if you don't like him you have to admit all of the above are FACTS!!!
The Informers TAKE:
The guy is KNOWN all around the world. He has nothing other than Super Star Friends and can go anywhere he wants at any moment in time.
Every single time he walks into a club or in a hotel or where ever, "he is mobbed" by HOT CHICKS. BTW: He travels on a Private Jet.. Okay... There are MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of HOT CHICKS in the WORLD - ALL OVER THE WORLD!! In Los Angeles alone they are a dime a dozen. Every single time the man steps out for the night chicks swarm. I don't know a man alive who would resist and/or could resist. NONE!! WOULDN'T and COULDN'T HAPPEN!! If you are a male and you are saying that you could resist, then you are a LIAR or you just don't get the magnitude of the world Tiger lived in. Maybe if you are older you could resist a few times, but sorry the odds aren't in your favor.
At least I will be the honest one to say the following: I played baseball in the minors and there were groupies hanging out all the time. I was in my late twenties and early thirties when playing and there were many of nights of chicks for the offering.. I was no Tiger Woods in status or bucks... LOL!!! FAR FAR from it.. So knowing that life in my late 20's & 30's - I can say one thing.. There would be NO WAY I'd resist the temptation that Tiger Woods had.
FORGIVE? Forgive what? He owes me nothing! So why would I need to forgive? He did nothing wrong to anyone other than his family.
What would I tell him? I'd tell him to get a divorce and move on with your life. You can still be a parent with a divorce. Why be married in your 30's and you are Tiger Woods. It doesn't make any sense to be married! All the public is going to do is try to find him cheating again and he will be hounded. Staying in his marriage is a HUGE ERROR in his life and career. HUGE ERROR. The Marriage will never work again and if you think she will ever trust him, then you are kidding yourself. It won't happen. If he just divorced, then he wouldn't be hounded when he golfed or traveled. He can live life as a 30 year old SUPER STAR. Why take that away from yourself? I just don't understand his move to stay in the marriage. WRONG MOVE!
Was it wrong to cheat? Of course it is wrong to cheat, but there is no man on earth in his 30's that would had done it different! NONE!
Was it terrible for his wife and family? Of course it was! BUT BUT - It is NOT OUR BUSINESS!!
NEXT: When he comes back on Tour and for all the Advertisers who Dropped him - SUGGESTION: SCREW THE BASTARDS TIGER!! MAKE THEM PAY TEN FOLD!! I WOULD!! I'd make them pay so F'N MUCH!!! I'd make them BLEED MONEY!!
FORGET ABOUT IT!! That's my take! Forget about it and get off the wagon Tiger!
I'm out!
The Informer
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